
Eldritch Cantrip [Illusion, Magical, Glamour, Perceptive]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 1
Potency: Eldritch Rank
Cast Action [CT 1, REC 5]
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Hour or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: 10 ft.
Target: One medium size or smaller creature, one medium size object or smaller, or a surface of up to a 5 foot square within range.
Effect: You color the target to a shade, or simple pattern of shades of your choice. If used to assist in other skills, such as Disguise or Stealth, gain a +2 Power bonus to the skill check. Alternatively, a color can be chosen to make stealth more difficult, imposing a -4 penalty to stealth checks. Other bonuses or penalties may also apply at the GM's discretion.