Crimson Steel Stance

Crimson Steel Stance
Legendary Martial Technique [Stance]
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 7
Disciplines: Brute
Standard Action [REC 1]
Cost: 4 Resolve and 2 Resolve Burn
Duration: 10 rounds
Effect: You constantly whip about your weapons in a powerful frenzy, creating a barrier of pain against those who approach you. While in this stance, gain an Aura (5ft) that deals [3 x Martial Rank] damage to creatures of your choice. The damage is of the same type as the weapon you are wielding.
Special: This stance ends immediately if you enter another stance or you are rendered Helpless. Regardless of how many times you invoke this stance, a creature is only subject to the aura once per round.
Master Augment, Immediate Stance
[Martial Rank 8]
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn
Effect: This technique becomes an Immediate Action instead of a Standard Action.

Powers augmented by the Crimson Steel Stance