Stance Keyword
Stances are special powers that reflect a style of fighting, typically granting both a benefit and a drawback. Only one Stance power may be used at a time. A stance lasts for the duration of the power, until the creature is knocked Unconscious, or until a different Stance power is used.
Powers with the Stance Keyword
- Adamantine Wall Stance
- Adversarial Entraper Stance
- Armor Master's Stance
- Blade Fury Stance
- Blood Feeding Stance
- Bloodless Warrior Stance
- Bloodletting Stance
- Brutal Aggressor Stance
- Crimson Steel Stance
- Crowd Fighting Stance
- Cruel Cage Stance
- Cull the Weak Stance
- Cunning Exploit Stance
- Dazing Star Stance
- Delaying Defense Stance
- Devil's Barb Stance
- Dodging Harrier Stance
- Driving Shoulder Stance
- Evasive Step Stance
- Flanking Knave Stance
- Furious Assault Stance
- Giant Fighting Stance
- Great Celerity Stance
- Great Mobility Stance
- Guarded Watcher Stance
- Hateful Blade Stance
- Hidden Combatant Stance
- Hulking Sprinter Stance
- Hunter's Mercy Stance
- Indominable Mind Stance
- Iron Root Stance
- Iron Will Stance
- Lightning Reflex Stance
- Obedient Zephyr Stance
- Opportunistic Positioning Stance
- Perfect Guard Stance
- Pressing Gang Stance
- Ranged Superiority Stance
- Raptor's Gaze Stance
- Reflexive Revenge Stance
- Ruffian's Agenda Stance
- Selfless Sentinel Stance
- Shield Warden Stance
- Sightless Shroud Stance
- Solitary Focus Stance
- Stalker's Ambush Stance
- Steel Bastion Stance
- Sucker Punch Stance
- Sudden Step Stance
- Two-Faced Blade Stance
- Uncanny Awareness Stance
- Unfailing Aim Stance
- Unfailing Blade Stance
- Vexing Vanguard Stance
- Wall-fighting Stance
- Wind Sentinel Stance