
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Eldritch Spell [Magical]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 2
Disciplines: Conjuration
Potency: [1d4 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 2, REC 4]
Components: V, S, M [A pinch of sand, Very Common]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Duration: 10 Rounds or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: 100 ft.
Area: 20 ft. diameter burst
Effect: You conjure a tiny shimmering sphere at the target location which explodes into glittery dust, covering the area and everything in it. Invisible creatures and objects are outlined and are not considered invisible for the duration of this spell (i.e. no longer gain Concealment). Additionally, any creature covered in the dust suffers a -10 penalty to Stealth checks.
Augment, Expanding Burst
[Eldritch Rank 3, Stackable]
Stacking [Eldritch Rank 3, 4, 5, etc.]: This augment may be a applied multiple times and is only limited by your Eldritch Rank.
Effect: Increase the diameter of the area by 10 ft.
Master Augment, Fabulous Assault
[Eldritch Rank 4]
Cost: CT +3, 1 Resolve
Effect: You concentrate the dust in a smaller area (reduce the area for the spell by half) and cause it to accumulate in the eyes of your targets. Make an attack:
Target: All creatures within area.
Attack: Arcana vs. Will
Hit: The target is Blinded [SE, ST 3d10 vs WIS].