Guaranteed Strike

Guaranteed Strike
Advanced Martial Technique
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 5, STR 15 or DEX 15
Disciplines: Duelist
Standard Action [REC Weapon Speed]
Cost: 3 Stamina
Requirement: You must have Advantage on the target.
Range: Melee Weapon
Target: One creature within Reach
Effect: You attack with precision, sacrificing power to ensure that you strike true. Deal 3 WD damage to the target. This counts as an attack, but not as a hit or miss for purposes of other powers or abilities.
Augment, Greater Guaranteed Strike
[Martial Rank 7, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 7, 9, 11, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.
Master Augment, Stable Advantage [Stance]
[Martial Rank 5]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Wall-Fighting Stance.
Effect: While adjacent to a wall, you may target any adjacent creatures that are granting you advantage.
Master Augment, Twin Guarantee [Stance]
[Martial Rank 6]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Blade Fury Stance.
Effect: You may now target one or two creatures. You must have advantage on each target.
Master Augment, Devil's Guarantee [Stance]
[Martial Rank 6]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Scoundrel Stance.
Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.
Master Augment, Trapper's Guarantee [Stance]
[Martial Rank 6]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Marksman Stance.
Effect: The target is also Entangled [SE, ST 3d10 vs DEX].
Master Augment, Sure Thing [Stance]
[Martial Rank 7]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Uncanny Awareness Stance.
Effect: You do not need to have advantage on the target.