Mind Blast

Mind Blast
Advanced Psionic Thought [Metaphysical, Mind-Affecting]
Prerequisites: Psionic Rank 4
Disciplines: Telepathy
Potency: [1d8 + Psionic Rank]
Focus Action [FT 2, REC 7]
Cost: 4 Resolve
Effect: You unleash a surge of psychic energy that cascades through the minds of those in its path, wreaking havoc on their neural pathways and drowning them in a tumultuous sea of disrupted brainwaves. Make an attack:
Area: 60 ft cone emanating from you
Target: All creatures in area.
Attack: Psi vs. Will
Hit: The target is Stupefied [SE, ST 4d10 vs INT]. After the target saves, it is Stunned for 1d6+2 segments.
Master Augment, Greater Mind Blast
[Psionic Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 5, 6, 7, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the Stun duration by 1 segment
Master Augment, Stronger Mind Blast
[Psionic Rank 6]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: Increase the Saving Throw by 1d10 [STP 1d10].