
Magic Resistance: Yes
Advanced Divine Prayer [Magical, Healing]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 6, First Aid Rank 2
Disciplines: Mysticism
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 8, REC 10]
Components: V, S
Cost: 4 Resolve Burn
Limitation: This may only be used on any particular creature once per day.
Requirement: The target's body must be mostly intact
Range: Touch
Target: One creature that has been dead for less than 3 rounds.
Effect: Your hand glows with a soft, golden light, and you reach through the corpse of a recently deceased creature. Pulling their soul back into the body before it has a chance to depart the material plane, you bring them back from the dead. When you use this power, one Lethal Injury affecting the target is healed. Any other Injuries sustained by the target remain, though any effects of Injuries that can be ended with a Saving Throw are removed. The target returns to life at 0 hitpoints and is Disabled.

If the target has been dead for longer than 3 rounds, the prayer automatically fails.

Augment, Reach Beyond
[Divine Rank 7, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 7, 8, 9, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Divine Rank.
Effect: Increase the amount of time a target may have been dead by 1 round.
Master Augment, Greater Revive
[Divine Rank 8]
Cost: 2 Resolve Burn
Effect: The target returns with hitpoints equal to it’s Healing Value and it is no longer Disabled.