Savage Blitz
Savage Blitz
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 3
Disciplines: Savage
Standard Action [REC Weapon Speed]
Cost: 1 Stamina
Effect: You spring towards your opponent with sudden and surprising ferocity, bypassing his defenses. Make an attack:
Range: Melee Weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Melee Weapon vs. AC
Hit: Weapon[1 WD] damage.
Special: If you Charge before the attack, moving through your target's Threat does not grant the target an Opportunity. Additionally, you do not have to Charge in a straight line, but you must still have Line of Perception to your target when you begin your charge.
Master Augment, Sudden Blitz
[Martial Rank 3]
Cost: 1 Fury
Effect: Ignore the additional recovery time cost for Charging or Lunging before the attack.
Master Augment, Relentless Blitz
[Martial Rank 4]
Cost: 1 Fury
Effect: If you charge as part of this attack, increase the distance you can move by 20ft. Additionally, you may designate an additional opponent that is not granted an opportunity when you charge through their threat.
Augment, Greater Savage Blitz
[Martial Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 5, 8, 11, etc]: This augment may be used multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.