Shadow Reflection

Shadow Reflection
Magic Resistance: No
Ultimate Eldritch Spell [Magical, Perceptive]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 10
Disciplines: Illusion
Potency: [2d8 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 9, REC 9]
Components: V, S
Cost: 2 Karma, 6 Stamina and 4 Stamina Burn
Duration: 10 Rounds or until dismissed, dispelled, disrupted or defeated.
Range: 50ft
Target: One creature within range (not you).
Effect: Pulling the essence of a creature's shadow and breathing faux life into it, you create a reflection of your target, commanding it to join the battle in your service. You create a Shadow Clone of the target, which maintains all of the abilities and powers of the target creature. It acts as a summoned monster which you can command as a free action, taking its first turn in the segment after this spell resolves. The Shadow Clone has all the same statistics of the target with the following exceptions:
  • It has half the target's remaining hitpoints.
  • Half of all damage dealt by the Shadow Clone is Psychic (the rest normal).
  • The clone is prohibited from utilizing any abilities with a Karma cost.
  • The Shadow Clone cannot use powers and abilities that require an allocation cost. Nor can it use abilities that require a material component cost of 1 gp or higher (though it may still use a focus).
  • If the Shadow clone drops an item (or gives an item to another creature), the item vanishes immediately. Hence the Shadow clone cannot give up its possessions as material component for other spells, or administer potions to other creatures.
  • When the Shadow Clone vanishes, any effect it created with a duration is automatically disrupted.

In all other ways, the Shadow Clone is an exact duplicate of the target, able to utilize its powers, abilities, and items (magical or otherwise). It has Resolve and Stamina equal to the target's remaining Resolve and Stamina (if applicable). Any ongoing effects affecting the targeted creature are not duplicated on the Shadow Clone.