Shared Suffering
Shared Suffering
Magic Resistance: No
Advanced Divine Prayer [Magical]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 5
Disciplines: Savior
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Interruptive Action
Cost: 4 Stamina
Trigger: An adjacent creature is hit with a melee attack that does not include you as a target.
Effect: When an ally cannot defend themselves, and there is not enough time to halt their enemy, you bravely throw yourself in harms way. You become the target of the attack, which automatically hits. After the attack is resolved, the attacker suffers Holy damage equal to 1/2 the damage you suffered from the triggering attack.
Master Augment, Sacrificial Retribution
[Divine Rank 7]
Cost: 2 Stamina
Effect: The attacker now suffers holy damage equal to the full damage you suffered from the triggering attack.
Master Augment, Desperate Dive
[Divine Rank 8]
Cost: 2 Stamina, REC +2
Effect: This power may now be triggered by a creature within 15 ft, causing you to move adjacent to triggering creature. This movement does not grant an opportunity.