Holy Damage
"Never in a million years did I think I'd be staring down a demon, let alone with the clergy backing me. Lets see if this god's word is worth a damn."
——Harlow Blacksheath, reformed rogue and cleric
Holy energies are the exclusive power of goodly aligned beings of a divine nature or influence. This power is highly effective against both evil and necrotic creatures. It typically appears as a soft, white glow when brought forth, but when used to strike at something, it changes form into a shimmering, almost blinding brilliant force that tears into darkness. Holy damage affects the spirit (which is sometimes then reflected by the body), which can make injuries more difficult to heal.
Holy Injuries
Holy Powers
- Armageddon
- Aura of Radiant Blades
- Aura of the Thorns
- Celestial Eclipse
- Dispel Evil
- Divine Weapon
- Fracture Reduction
- Glare of Judgement
- Holy Justice
- Holy Radiance
- Holy Sanction
- Holy Storm
- Holy Strike
- Sanction
- Searing Light
- Shared Suffering
- Shield of the Faithful
- Smite Evil
- Tao of the Angel
- Turn Hellspawn
- Wand of Searing Light