Wand of Searing Light

Wand of Searing Light
Type: Implement (Rod)
Rank: 4 (Potency 20)
Description: A crystal rod, about 1 ft in length, with a faint light glowing within.
Special Actions
Searing Light
Standard Action [REC 3]
Limitation: Once per round
Effect: You focus divine energy into a ray of light and cast it at your enemies. Make an attack:
Range: 50 ft.
Target: One creature within range.
Attack: +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8+4 Holy damage. Additionally, if the target is undead it takes an extra 4d8 Radiant damage.
Depletion: 1 on 1d6
Price: {{{Price}}}
Aura: Moderate Holy
Skill Requirement: Religious Arts
Imbued Power: Searing Light
  • The tear of a good aligned Cleric [Common]
  • Branch from a Mallorn tree[Common]
  • Powdered Phosphorus[Uncommon, Value: 10gp]
  • A drop of air essence [Rare, Value: 50gp]
  • A beam of sunlight [Rare, Value: 1000gp]
"Wow! Did you see that?! Tore that monster's head clean off! Oh the look on his face right before it hit.......wow! Just....wow, did you feel that energy?! Ha ha ha ha! Oh my friend, I may have to look into worshipping your god from time to time!"
——Jack Vastane, career vampire hunter


The Wand of Searing Light is an ivory colored wand a little over a foot in length with a gold metal tip, encasing a thin shaft of clear crystal. When activated, the divine energy within builds inside the crystal so brightly that it can be seen pulsing through the protective casing. The handle of the wand is usually inscribed with the symbol of a goodly deity.


This wand is actually a mortal made item, constructed by clerics on the border of undead infested lands. Limited by the energies available to them from day to day, they constructed the wand of searing light as a tool to combat the dark forces threatening to surround them. Initially these wands were a singular shaft of divinely enchanted crystal, but the crystals were not stable enough to withstand the holy energy, so a secondary ivory shell casing was built around them as a holy conductor of sorts to disperse the excess energy and re-channel it into the golden tip, releasing the entire spell without any chance for a backfire.