Magic Resistance: Yes
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 3
Disciplines: Enchantment
Potency: [1d4 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 6, REC 2]
Components: V, S, M [A pinch of sand, Very Common]
Cost: 3 Resolve
Effect: You cause an Eldritch slumber to fall over your opponent. Make an attack:
Range: 100 ft
Target: One creature.
Attack: Arcana P vs. Will
Hit: The target falls Asleep [SE, ST 4d10 vs WIS]. If a sleeping creature is damaged or vigorously shaken it automatically wakes. A sleeping creature’s ally may wake it as a standard action [REC 5].
Special: The Sleep spell automatically fails if the target is taking continual damage (i.e. ongoing damage or damage from an aura).
Master Augment, Blanketing Sleep
[Eldritch Rank 4]
Cost: 4 Resolve
Effect: This spell now targets all creatures in a 20 ft diameter burst within range.
Master Augment, Inescapable Slumber
[Eldritch Rank 5]
Cost: CT +2
Effect: Creatures targeted by this spell are automatically hit. They are still granted their initial saving throw against the sleep effect.
Master Augment, Drowsiness
[Eldritch Rank 6]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: Increase the saving throw by 1d10 [STP 1d10]
Master Augment, Grogginess
[Eldritch Rank 7]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: When a target saves against the sleep effect (or is awoken otherwise), it remains groggy and uncoordinated for a short time and is Weakened for 10 segments.