Subtle Casting

Subtle Casting
Basic Mental Method [Metacast]
Prerequisites: Mental Rank 3, Stealth Rank 5, Silent Cast, Still Cast
Casting Prerequisite: To gain the benefit of this Metacast ability you must be Rank 4 or higher in the philosophy relevant to the power you are casting.
Free Action
Cost: CT +3
Requirement: You are Hidden from one or more creatures.
Effect: Your casting methods are shortened and quieted without giving up any details, and less likely to give away your location. At the start of your cast, you may make a Stealth check at a -10 penalty to remain hidden. Additionally, you may make a second Stealth check at a -10 penalty at the completion of your cast to remain hidden. If the effect of the power is an attack, the stealth check automatically fails once the attack is resolved. Other spells may automatically give away your location depending on the effect (GM's Discretion).
Special: Only one Metacast ability may be used on a single casting of a power.