Waves of Fatigue

Waves of Fatigue
Magic Resistance: Yes
Advanced Eldritch Spell [Magical]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 6
Disciplines: Necromancy
Potency: [1d8 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 3, REC 4]
Components: V, S
Cost: 3 Resolve
Effect: Generating a dark burst of necrotic energy, you cause an unnatural fatigue to come over your enemies. Make an attack:
Area: 50 ft cone.
Target: All creatures in Area.
Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target gains 1 point of Fatigue and is Weakened [SE, ST 4d10 vs STR]. Aftereffect, the target is Weakened for 1 round.
Miss: The target is Weakened for 1 round.
Master Augment, Expansive Weariness
[Eldritch Rank 7, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 7, 8, 9, etc.]: This power may be applied multiple times and is only limited by your Eldritch Rank.
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: Increase the length of the cone by 10 ft.
Augment, Succumb
[Eldritch Rank 8]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: Increase the Saving Throw by 1d10.
Master Augment, Waves of Exhaustion
[Eldritch Rank 8]
Cost: CT +2, 2 Resolve.
Effect: On a hit, the target becomes Exhausted instead of Weakened. The aftereffect and miss effect are unchanged.