
This content on this page is in progress and should be considered a preview of new material. Expect information on this page to change dramatically.

Bat Characteristics
Rating: 1/10X
Size: Tiny
Min. Level 1
Type: Animal
Hitpoints: 10 + [CON] + 3 per level
Attributes: STR -8, DEX +4, INT -8, Wis +2, Cha -6
Defenses: +1 Ref
Languages: None
Stamina: 2
Resolve: 1
Philosophy Ranks: Physical Rank 2, Mental Rank 1
Alignment: Unaligned
Habitat: Any Temperate, Tropical, or Underground
Primary Senses: Blindsense
Secondary Senses: Scent
Tertiary Senses: Inferior Vision, Touch
Racial Skill List: Listen, Awareness
Focused Skills: Both Racial Skills
Skill Points:
  • 2 points to be spend in Racial Skills
Movement Modes
  • Flying Shift 5ft/2seg
  • Fly 50ft/3seg
  • Overland Flight 10 mph
Racial Features
  • Natural Weapon Bite (Rec 6): +2 att, 1d4+1/2[DEXM], Pen 0, Crit 5/5%
  • Blindsense: Bat gains a +5 racial bonus to listen checks & awareness.

Bat Types

Race: Bat
Level: 1
XP: 50
Description: A group of many small bats, moving in tandem as one creature.
Keywords: Swarm
Habitat: Any Temperate, Tropical or Underground.


Bats are simple minded creatures, they hunt during the night, and sleep during the day. They are quick to panic in enclosed spaces and navigate poorly when trapped. Bats use echolocation to "see" their environment, having extremely poor eyesight. Their extremely sensitive ears can pick up even the most minute vibrations, making them ideal nocturnal hunters.


Throughout history, bats have been an object of fear in the minds of most humanoids, despite their mostly docile nature. Still, throughout time there have been more than a few incidents of crazed bat swarms attacking humanoids. One particularly gruesome incident stands out in particular, where a horde of bats so numerous that they blocked out the moonlight, descended on a small mountain village, making mutilated corpses of it's inhabitants. None survived, and to this day foul play of the magical sort was suspected in the bizarre behavior of these animals.


Bats prefer to reside in dark, cool areas that don't have many other creatures nearby. They like to sleep during the day and hunt during the night. Most bats prefer to eat insects, and only attack larger creatures if they feel panicked or threatened.