Locate Creature

Locate Creature
Ritual Rank 4 [Scry]
Potency: 20
Cost: 3 Resolve Burn
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: Concentration
Range: 400ft
Effect: You sense the direction of a specific creature of your choosing. You may choose to locate a specific kind of creature (by visualizing it), which you must have seen up close (within 30 ft) at some point. Alternatively, you may choose to attempt to locate a specific creature with whom you are familiar, visualizing the specific defining characteristics of that individual. If there is more than one creature within range that matches your visualization, you are directed to the closest one.

Running water (such as a river or stream) prevents the locating of a creature. Additionally, the ritual cannot detect through a Mislead spell, Nondetection ritual, or Polymorph ability.