Planar Summons

Planar Summons
Ritual Rank 7 [Portative, Glyph]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 6
Potency: 35
Components: A drop of Magic Essence, distilled from a creature native to the plane you are attempting to summon a creature from, [Uncommon, Value: 50gp+]
Focus: A Summoning Circle, drawn on the floor with chalk.
Cost: 1 Resolve Burn per level of the creature summoned
Prep Time: 1 phase
Cast Time: 1 moment
Target: One extraplanar creature
Effect: You draw the Summoning Circle upon the floor, inscribing it with runes indicative of the type of creature you plan to summon and the plane you will be summoning them from. When the circle is complete, you sprinkle the Magic Essence over it and speak a brief incantation, naming the race of creature (or a specific, individual creature if you are familiar with one) which you plan to summon. Make a Ritual Casting check [DC = 20 + Target's Level] to determine if the ritual succeeds. Gain a +5 bonus to the check if the Magic Essence you're using as a component for this ritual is distilled from the same race of creature you are attempting to summon.

If you succeed, the target is whisked away from its home plane and appears within the circle. The circle itself has no means of trapping the creature, but may be combined with a Binding Circle or similar effect.