Reveal Curse

Reveal Curse
Ritual Rank 7 [Omen]
Potency: 35
Requirement: This Ritual may only be cast during Twilight.
Prep Time: 1 phase
Cast Time: 1 moment
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 phase.
Range: 10ft
Effect: Using the ether between night and day, you slip your sight into the deep magics. With enough focus, you take notice of the magic behind Curses, Blights, and similar effects.
  • When you cast this ritual make a Ritual Casting check.
  • If a Curse is present within range, and your check meets or exceeds the Potency of the Curse, then its magic is revealed to you.
  • You learn the name of the curse and its strength, if applicable (i.e. lesser, minor, moderate, greater for Ritual Curses).
  • If your check exceeds the Potency by 10 or more, you also learn who cast the curse, how to break the curse, and the location of the curse's focus (if any).