
ScentIntelligence & Wisdom
Sensory Skill

The Scent Skill represents a character's ability to use his olfactory sense to identify the the presence of particular creatures or their scent. The Scent skill is restricted for most creatures, and is only usable by races with particularly sensitive olfactory senses. Such creatures are able to determine the location of a hidden creature by its scent and can sometimes track a creature by its particular scent. Creatures without the Scent Skill may still have a sense of smell, but it is not strong enough to be used actively.

For creatures with access to the Scent Skill, their Skill Rank in Scent adds to their Awareness score.

Common Uses of the Scent Skill
  • Use Locate Danger to catch the scent of unfamiliar creatures nearby.
  • Use Locate Hidden Opponent to smell for creatures who are Hidden or who have Concealment.
  • Track a creature by its particular scent.
Things that Modify Scent Checks
Each 10ft of distance from opponent or object
(for opponents, does not overlap with distance bonus to Stealth)
Windy Environment-5
Fragrant Environment-5 or more