Circlet of Persuasion

Circlet of Persuasion
Magic Item [Rare]
Type: Jewelry (Circlet)
Rank: 4 (Potency 40)
Special Actions
Excellent Argument
Free Action
Potency (MR): 1d4+4 (No)
Limitation: Three times per day
Trigger: You deal Composure damage.
Effect: Increase the damage by 1d6 damage.
Allocation: 3 Resolve
Aura: Weak Enchantment
"I don’t know what it is. Every time she comes around I say ‘No, not today! Today she pays like everyone else!' Then before I know it, there she goes, walking away with half my inventory!"
——Confused Street Merchant


The Circlet of Persuasion appears to be made of an elegant and thin weave of copper, silver, and gold. At the crest of this weave is a small, perfectly cut emerald that one will always find their eyes drawn to when talking to the wearer of the item.


The original intentions behind this Circlet were fairly innocent. A portly and somewhat soft-spoken mage had fallen in love with the charming local barmaid of his village tavern. Having seen she was more attracted to the boisterous and physical type, he knew he would need an edge to gain her affections, so he labored for almost a year straight to craft this item. Unfortunately, by the time he finished his work she had married a local hunter and had a child with him. Not greedy and sinister enough to use the Circlet given the circumstances, he sold the Circlet for a handsome profit and retired to a remote island to live the rest of his years alone.