Jovial Jester's Hat

Jovial Jester's Hat
Magic Item [Rare]
Type: Clothing (Hat)
Rank: 3 (Potency 30)
  • You are immune to the Confused condition.
Special Actions
Hideous Laughter
Focus Action [FT 4, REC 3]
Effect: While holding a joke in your mind, make an attack on one creature within range.
Target: One adjacent creature (of Intelligence 5 or higher)
Attack: Arcana or +10 (whichever is higher) vs. Will
Hit: The target falls Prone and is overtaken with Uncontrollable Laughter [SE, ST 3d10 vs INT]. While laughing, the target may take no actions except the Recovery Action. Once per segment, if the target suffers damage while laughing, as a Free Action it may make a Saving Throw against this effect with at 2d10 (instead of 3d10).
Special: If the creature is non-humanoid, suffer a -4 penalty to the attack and decrease the difficulty of the Saving Throw by 1d10. Additionally, if the target is physically incapable of laughing, the spell automatically fails.
Allocation: 3 Resolve
Aura: Weak Enchantment