Potion of Extra Healing

Potion of Extra Healing
Consumable [Healing]
Type: Potion [Value: 500 gp]
Rank: 4 (Potency [1d10 + 4])
Rarity: Very Rare
Aura: Moderate Creation
Properties: This flask contains three separate doses of a healing drought and may be drunk in parts or all at once, or some combination thereof. Each portion drunk restores [1d8 + Healing Value] Hitpoints (so drinking the entire flask restores [3d8 + (3 x Healing Value)] Hitpoints).
Prerequisites: Religious Arts Rank 5
  •  Morning Dew [Common]
  •  Bark from a 100 year old tree [Uncommon, Value: 30gp]
  •  Angel's Blood [Rare, Value: 200gp]
  •  Potion of Healing [Rare, Value: 100gp]
Synergies: Heal