Ring of Countercasting

Ring of Countercasting
Type: Jewelry (Ring)
Rank: 5 (Potency 25)
Special Actions
Interruptive Action
Potency (MR): 1d8+5 (No)
Limitation: Once per phase
Trigger: You are targeted with a magical effect.
Effect: Make an Opposed Potency check against the magical effect. If you succeed the potency check, the effect is disrupted.
Depletion: 1 on 1d6
Price: 18,000 gp
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Skill Requirement: Eldritch Arts
Imbued Power: Dispel Magic
  • Pumice Stone [Common]
  • A Green Twig [Common]
  • Chameleon Skin [Uncommon, Value: 10gp]
  • Giant Spider Venom [Uncommon, Value: 200 gp]
  • Distilled Chaos [Very Rare, Value: 1,500gp]
"Experience the wrath of Mortimer’s Magnificent Molten Magic you pathetic, fragile fools! Now buuuuuurrrrnnnnnn!......... What? Where did my Magnificent Molten Magic go?! Give me back my Magnificent Molten Magic!"
——Magnificent Mortimer


This adamantine band is set with a large, well polished, crystal clear clear gem of unknown origin. When the ring is infused with magic, the gem takes on a dark red hue with a soft glow.


The Ring of Counterspells is actually not magical, it is the gem within that is infused with the power to absorb spell energy. The adamantine band was chosen as a means of containing the stone and preventing it from breaking apart over time, helping to bleed off the the excess power from any spells stored within. This item was conceptualized by dwarves, crafted by skilled smiths, who then conscripted a powerful wizard to aid them in in designing and enchanting the gem that would be set into the ring. Recognizing the potential for such an item, the wizard stole the designs for it and spread their plans amongst his guild, much to the eternal resentment of the dwarves who had hired him.