Ring of Sustenance

Ring of Sustanance
Magic Item [Very Rare]
Type: Jewelry (Ring)
Rank: 4 (Potency 40)
  • The ring provides the wearer with unending sustenance, filling them with all of the nutrition they need to function at their peak. The wearer no longer needs to eat or drink, and they need only rest for 2 hours to complete an Extended Rest.
  • If the wearer chooses to rest for 8 hours or more, they gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to [2 x Physical Rank], Temporary Stamina equal to their Physical Rank, and Temporary Resolve equal to their Mental Rank. These temporaries bonuses remain until the are utilized or until the wearer takes another Extended Rest. Temporary Stamina and Resolve cannot be used to pay Burn or Allocation costs.
  • Energy Drain suffered by the wearer is restored at a rate of 1 per 8 hour rest.
Allocation: 2 Stamina and 1 Resolve
Aura: Moderate Creation
"Yeah look, I know I don’t technically need to eat, which certainly comes in handy when you’re say, trapped in a maze or stuck in a deep pit, but honestly? Sometimes you just need a quality, home cooked meal. There isn’t any magic on this earth that can replicate that, I promise you."
——Fander the Fine, Adventuring Rogue


The Ring of Sustenance looks like a simple copper ring, with imagery of various food and drink etched into the inside of the band. Anyone wearing the ring can feel the magic seeping through to provide them nourishment whenever they grow hungry or tired.


This ring was crafted and gifted by a noble apprentice mage to her child. She ran from a forced marriage to a ruthless noble who’s disposition had not been disclosed (or considered) ahead of time. She hid her child in a place where he would never find her, knowing that if the babe remained with her, her husband would use him as leverage to bring her to heel. This ring enabled the child to survive out in the wilds for some time before he was at last rescued by a gang of bandits. He was raised as one of their own, and eventually grew up to rob his estranged father of almost every possession of true value he had, increasing his infamy to the point where ballads were sung of his unusual life. At the end of the tale, it is said the ring was left on the floor of his father’s closet, the only piece of finery he had been allowed to keep.