Sun Blade

Sun Blade
Magic Item [Extremely Rare]
Rank: 5 (Potency 50)
  • +3 Item bonus to Attack.
  • Reduce the Weapon Speed by 1 (to a minimum of 3).
  • +1 WD Item bonus to damage.
  • You may choose to convert damage dealt by this weapon to Radiant Damage.
  • This weapon counts as a Short Sword for purposes of Weapon Proficiency. Additionally, any of your Feats or abilities that grant you a bonus with the Short Sword also apply to the Sun Blade.
Special Actions
Standard Action [REC 10]
Potency (MR): 1d4+5 (No)
Effect: You swing the sword over your head, causing it to emit Bright Light out to 60 ft, which persists for 10 rounds. This light counts as Sunlight for creatures and effects that are susceptible to it.
Allocation: 4 Resolve and 4 Stamina
Aura: Moderate Conjuration or Holy