Trickery Sphere

Trickery Sphere
This Sphere belongs to a Trickster God, a divine being that enjoys playing pranks and causing confusion among enemies and allies alike. As long as you can take a joke, you will be gifted with similar abilities.
Mastered Prayers: You master Prayer of Trickery and Touch of Confusion.
Additional Benefit: Gain Disguise as a Favored Skill.
Prayer of Trickery
Magic Resistance: No
Basic Divine Prayer
Free Action
Potency: [1d4 + Divine Rank]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Range: 50ft
Effect: Your deity infuses your target with a small portion of his essence, even if they are out of reach. You may use Touch of Confusion prayer at a range of 5ft per Divine Rank.
First Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 4
Effect: Your god prefers your enemies remain confused while you keep a clear head. Whenever you make a Saving Throw against the Confused condition, reduce the difficulty of the Saving Throw by 1d10 [STB 1d10]. Additionally, any time you use a prayer that imposes Confusion, impose a 1d10 penalty to the to the Saving Throw [STP 1d10].
Second Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 6
Effect: Your god teaches you to master many faces to best aid his cause. Gain a +5 bonus to Disguise and Deception checks.
Third Shell
Prerequisite: Divine Rank 8
Effect: Your spirit and body are ever shifting, just like the will of your deity. You may magically change your physical appearance (as per Disguise Self) as an Immediate Action.