
Magic Resistance: Yes
Legendary Eldritch Spell [Magical, Perceptive, Evil]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 8
Disciplines: Transmutation
Potency: [1d12 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 6, REC 6]
Components: V, S
Cost: 6 Stamina and 3 Stamina Burn
Duration: 4 rounds or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: 50 ft
Target: One creature with skin.
Effect P: You slowly pull the skin from the target's body, exacting a tortuous agony upon the target. When this spell is first cast, and once per round for the duration of this spell, the target is subject to the following attack:
Target: Effected Creature
Attack: Arcana vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 20 + Eldritch Might Bleed damage and the target must make a Injury Resilience Check at a +5 bonus or suffer a Flayed Flesh Injury (see below). If the target has already been reduced to 0 hitpoints, it instead suffers a -10 penalty to the Injury Check (instead of making a second check). If the target suffers the same level of Flayed Flesh injury twice, the subsequent injury is upgraded in severity 1 degree (i.e. Moderate Flayed Flesh becomes Severe Flayed Flesh, etc)
Flay Injury Table
ModerateFlayed Flesh
SevereSevere Flayed Flesh
CriticalFlayed Muscles
Master Augment, Transmuter's Torture
[Eldritch Rank 9, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 9, 10, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Eldritch Rank.
Effect: Increase the duration of this spell by one round.