Hold Person
Hold Person
Magic Resistance: Yes
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4, Mental Rank 2
Disciplines: Influence
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 5, REC 3]
Components: V, S
Cost: 3 Resolve
Effect: Channeling the uncompromising shout of your deity, you point at a target and command them to cease all movement. Make an attack:
Range: 50 ft
Target: One living humanoid creature within range of medium size or smaller.
Attack: Devotion P vs. Will
Hit: The targeted creature is Paralyzed. It can make a saving throw to end this effect [ST 4d10 vs CHA].
Master Augment, Superior Hold
[Divine Rank 7]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: Increase the saving throw by one die [STP 1d10].
Master Augment, Greater Hold Person
[Divine Rank 6]
Stacking [Divine Rank 6, 7, 8, etc...]: This augment may be applied an unlimited number of times.
Cost: 2 Resolve
Effect: Increase the size of creature that you may affect by one size category.
Master Augment, Grasping Hold
[Divine Rank 7]
Cost: Special (see text)
Effect: If the target fails the initial Saving Throw, you may spend 5 Resolve to require the target to complete two successful Saving Throws before it can break the effects of this power.