Pinning Shot

Pinning Shot
Advanced Martial Technique
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 4
Disciplines: Marksman
Standard Action [REC Weapon Speed]
Cost: 4 Stamina
Effect: You aim very precisely at a target's exposed limbs or unattended clothing, attempting to pin your opponent to the floor or wall. Make an attack:
Range: Weapon Range
Target: One target within range.
Attack: Ranged Weapon P vs. AC
Hit: Weapon[3 WD] and the target is Confined [SE, ST 4d10 vs STR].
Augment, Greater Pinning Shot
[Martial Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 5, 7, 9, etc.]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage by 1 WD.
Master Augment, Knockdown Shot [Stance]
[Martial Rank 4]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Raptor's Gaze Stance.
Cost: 1 Stamina
Effect: On a hit, the target is also knocked Prone if it is your size or smaller.
Master Augment, Superior Pin [Stance]
[Martial Rank 4]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Hunter's Mercy Stance.
Effect: Increase the saving throw by one die [STP 1d10].
Master Augment, Penetrating Pin [Stance]
[Martial Rank 5]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Stalker Stance.
Effect: Whenever the target attempts a Saving Throw versus the Confined effect, it suffers Bleed Damage equal to your Martial Rank.
Master Augment, Pinned to the Wall [Stance]
[Martial Rank 5]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Duelist Stance.
Effect: On a hit, you may Push the target up to 10ft, before they are Confined.
Master Augment, Lockdown [Stance]
[Martial Rank 7]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Unfailing Aim Stance.
Effect: The target must succeed two Saving Throws to end the Confined effect.