Power Word, Burn

Power Word, Burn
Magic Resistance: Yes
Advanced Eldritch Spell [Magical, Perceptive, Fire]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 5
Disciplines: Conjuration
Potency: [1d8 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 1, REC 8]
Components: V
Cost: 4 Stamina
Effect: You point at the target and speak a single word of incendiary spite, causing it to burst into flames. Make an attack:
Range: 30 ft
Target: One creature within range.
Attack: Arcana P vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target catches fire, suffering ongoing 50 Fire damage every 10 segments [SE, ST 4d10 vs DEX].
Miss: 25 Fire damage
Structural Effect: Flammable structures catch fire.
Special: If the target makes its initial saving throw, it suffers 25 Fire damage.
Augment, Smolder
[Eldritch Rank 6, Stackable]
Stacking [Eldritch Rank 6, 7, 8, etc]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your character’s Eldritch Rank.
Effect: Increase the ongoing damage by 10. Increase the damage on a miss or on a successful initial saving throw by 5.
Master Augment, Wildfire
[Eldritch Rank 7]
Cost: 1 Stamina
Effect: Increase the Saving Throw by 1d10 [STP 1d10].
Master Augment, Power Word: Conflagration
[Eldritch Rank 9]
Cost: 5 Stamina
Effect: Shouting an even greater word of power, everything around you bursts into flames. This power now targets all creatures and objects within range (Not including you).