Fire Damage

"It runs through my blood, mortal! Approach, and feel the burning filth I shall spit upon you!Beware the heat within me, for it has seared the flesh and silenced the screams of thousands."
——Shal'ka, foul mouthed devil

Fire is considered to be the wildest and most primal of elements, dangerous and destructive. Those who harness it's power should do so with caution, as it will just as easily burn its wielder as its intended victim. Its power has been wielded by man and mortal alike since time began.Fire burns, boils, blisters, and chars. It is highly destructive and wounds caused by it are some of the most painful.

Special Rules:

  • A creature that takes Fire damage while underwater only suffers half damage.

Fire Injuries

Random Fire Injuries
Roll 2d6 Moderate Severe Critical Lethal
2 Smoke Poisoning Severe Smoke Poisoning Weakened Heart Lethal Burn
3 Sinus Irritation Burned Sinuses Charred Sinuses Charred Lungs
4 Eye Irritation Eye Burns Incinerated Eyes Roasted Skull
5 Facial Burn Severe Facial Burn Charred Face Roasted Skull
6 Arm Burn Burnt Arm Charred Arm Lethal Burn
7 Blistering Burn Severe Burn Widespread Burn Lethal Burn
8 Leg Burn Burnt Leg Charred Leg Lethal Burn
9 Smoke Inhalation Scorched Lungs Burned Lungs Charred Lungs
10 Scorched Hands Seared Spine Cooked Back Complete Incineration
11 Raspy Throat Choking Burns Burnt Throat Charred Lungs
12 Tingling Burn Itching Burn Terrible Itching Complete Incineration

Fire Powers