
Magic Resistance: Yes
Advanced Divine Prayer [Magical, Perceptive]
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 4, Mental Rank 2
Disciplines: Mysticism
Potency: [1d8 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 3, REC 6]
Components: S, F [A small silver bell without a clapper, Common 10gp]
Cost: 2 Resolve
Duration: 2 rounds or until dismissed, dispelled or disrupted.
Range: 100ft
Area: 30ft diameter area within range
Effect P: Uncompromising with those who would ignore your deity's edicts, you erect a constant, imperceptible field of absolute silence.
  • No sound can exist within the area, nor can sound travel through, into, or out of the area.
  • All creatures within the area are effectively Deafened and Mute until they leave the area, preventing them from using powers with verbal or other sound-based components.
  • Creatures within the area of silence are granted Superior Concealment against the auditory senses of all creatures (inside or outside the area).
Opposing: The Silence prayer opposes any effect with the Sonic keyword.
Augment, Persistent Silence
[Divine Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Divine Rank 5, 6, 7, etc…]: This augment may be applied an unlimited number of times and is only limited by your Divine Rank.
Cost: CT +2
Effect: Extend the duration of this power by 1 round.
Master Augment, Targeted Silence
[Divine Rank 5]
Cost: 3 Resolve
Effect: This power is no longer an area, instead it targets a single creature or object. Make an attack:
Target: One unwilling creature or attended object within range
Attack: Devotion P vs. Will
Hit: The target is made absolutely silent for the duration. This silence radiates out to encompass the space the target occupies and moves with the target. The effects of the silence are the same as above and apply to the target and its space.
Special: You do not need to make an attack roll on a willing creature or unattended object.
Master Augment, Lasting Silence
[Divine Rank 6]
Cost: Change all costs to Resolve Burn
Effect: The Silence now lasts for 1 phase per Divine Rank. The target of this prayer may not be an unwilling creature or attended object.