Soul Reflection

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Soul Reflection
Legendary Qi Form [Dispel, Metaphysical]
Prerequisites: Qi Rank 7
Disciplines: Balance
Potency: [1d12 + Qi Rank]
Focus Action [FT 6, REC 2]
Cost: 3 Resolve and 2 Resolve Burn
Range: 15 ft
Target: All Magical and Metaphysical effects within range
Effect: Make an Opposed Potency Check against each target. If you succeed the check, the target is immediately dispelled. Some powers and effects may be immune to dispelling. If you created the targeted effect, it is dispelled automatically. If a target covers an area, the origin point of the target (usually the center of the effect) must be within range for it to be affected.
Master Augment, Discriminating Reflection
[Qi Rank 8]
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: You may choose which targets within range to affect. However, you must be aware of a Magical or Metaphysical effect before you may target it.