Word of Chaos
Word of Chaos
Magic Resistance: Yes
Prerequisites: Divine Rank 8
Disciplines: Anarchy
Potency: [1d12 + Divine Rank]
Cast Action [CT 1, REC 8]
Components: V
Cost: 7 Resolve and 3 Resolve Burn
Range: 40 ft
Target: All non-chaotic creatures in range.
Primary Effect: You utter a word of pure chaos to shatter the minds of your enemies. If the target can hear you, it suffers effects based on the following table:
Target's Mental Rank | Effect |
6 or more | The target is Dazed for 1d6 segments. |
5 | The target is Dazed for 2d6 segments. |
4 | As rank 5, plus the target is Confused [SE, ST 5d10 vs CHA]. After the target saves, it is Confused for 10 segments. |
3 | As rank 5, plus the target is Confused [SE, ST 6d10 vs CHA]. After the target saves, it is Confused for 10 segments. |
2 | As rank 3, plus the target is Insane [SE, ST 6d10 vs CHA]. After the target saves, it is Insane for 10 segments. The target must make separate Saving Throws against the Insane and Confused effects. |
1 or less | As rank 2, plus if the target is a living creature it is killed, otherwise it is destroyed. |
Secondary Effect: If you are on your plane of origin, the Word of Chaos also forces non-choatic extraplanar creatures back to their home plane. Make an attack:
Target: All non-chaotic extraplanar creatures within range.
Attack: Devotion vs. Will
Hit: The target is Banished.
Special: Deaf creatures are immune to the primary effect, but are still affected by the secondary effect.
Master Augment, Greater Word of Chaos
[Divine Rank 9, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 9, 10, 11 etc.]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Divine Rank.
Cost: 2 Resolve, 1 Resolve Burn
Effect: Treat the target's Mental Rank as if it were 1 Rank lower.