Interdimensional Gate
Once the final incantation is completed, a permanent connection will be established between the two gates. Activating and deactivating the gates requires a password to be spoken with the Gate Key in hand (which you determine at the time of casting). Once Activated, a creature can move through either gate and exit out the opposite gate instantaneously. An activated Gate must be deactivated with the Gate Key, or the gate will remain open indefinitely.
The Gate Key is typically a mundane and unassuming object such as a locket, ceramic cup, or old shoe. Though the Gate Key will detect as magical once this ritual is completed, it will appear perfectly mundane when inspected visually. Casters typically use magical masking abilities to further disguise their Gate Keys (such as Mask Magical Aura and similar abilities).
The two arches may be on different planes (unlike with Dimensional Gate). The entire process from mithral casting, inlaying, Gate Key preparation, and final incantations must be completed within 14 days or this ritual fails. The arches are permanent structures and cannot be moved, though it is possible for the building or structure an arch resides in to move.