
Yin leads a practitioner of Qi Forms down the path of shadow, deception, cold, wisdom and spiritual growth. Monks who utilize powers learned from the Yin Discipline will more heavily channel their Qi to create extraordinary metaphysical effects. They will become more cunning and deceptive and battle, and prefer to redirect force and strike with Qi rather than rely on blunt force trauma. Yin provides spiritual form to all things. The combat Qi Forms found in the Yin Discipline emulate the sinister, deceptive and subtle attack methods of less confrontational predators. Their abilities are are also well suited to working in groups, hiding and slipping through defenses. They may utilize disease and necrotic elements to weaken their foe before moving in to finish them off. As a result their minds will be better acclimated against the deceit of others, and may often channel Qi to protect their minds from mental intrusions. A monk who has walked too far down the path of Yin may become less direct in their fighting, preferring to strike when they have the advantage, and look at honorable combat as a waste of time. They may also feign an appreciation for fighting by the rules only to lure an enemy into a poor position, striking the moment their guard is down.

Basic Yin Forms

Advanced Yin Forms

Legendary Yin Forms

Ultimate Yin Forms

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List of Yin Forms