
Toxin Rank 1
Delivery: Ingestion
Onset Time: 1 Phase
Resilience DC: 10
  •  1 to 2 doses: The target's inhibitions are lowered, granting them a +4 bonus to Charm checks, but a -4 penalty to Aloofness, Intuition, and Suspicion checks. Additionally, the target feels a slight dizziness, causing a -4 penalty on Balance checks.
  •  3 Doses: In addition to prior effects, the target becomes Sickened and the bonus to Charm changes to a -2 penalty .
  •  4 Doses: In addition to prior effects, the target becomes Nauseous, often resulting in vomiting.
  •  5 Doses: In addition to prior effects, the target must make a DC 15 resilience check or fall Unconscious. If the target succeeds the check, it instead suffers moments of memory loss (i.e. blackouts).
  •  6 or more Doses: The target falls Unconscious and must make a DC 15 Resilience check or die from alcohol poisoning (each dose beyond 6 requires an additional check).
Metabolism: Doses remain in the body for 1d2 hours.

Components: Varies
Brew Time: Varies
Creation: Varies
"Yeah, I was worried when the Barbarian showed up drunk too, but just look at him go! I'm not sure he knows what side he's on right now, but all we have to do is keep a safe distance and he just keeps fighting!"
——Master Goland, acting Captain of the Greenwald War Outpost


Alcohol also known as ethanol, is a psychoactive drug that is the active ingredient in drinks such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits (hard liquor). By itself, it appears as a clear liquid, but when combined with different brewing methods, it can take on a variety of different hues based on the components. Consuming alcohol has a compounding effect on the individual, and is usually size and weight dependent, genetic resilience also playing a factor. The more a living creature consumes, the more the Alcohol poisons the body, gradually descending from somewhat uninhibited and slightly disoriented, then approaching sickness and unconsciousness if enough is absorbed. Extreme uses of Alcohol can even lead to death from Alcohol Poisoning.

A dose of alcohol is the amount usually found in a traditionally sized drink, such as a mug of ale, glass of wine, or a shot of distilled spirits.


Relatively harmless in small doses, Alcohol provides users with a justification or lack of concern for their behavior, and exists in most cultures as a social lubricant in the form of alcohol infused beverages. Particularly adept at drinking and crafting such brews are the Dwarves. Extraordinarily stout and resilient by nature, Dwarves view drinks such as Ale not simply as a pleasure, but a necessary facet of life. As many an unprepared Elf, Human, Gnome, and even Halfling has found, it is exceedingly difficult to drink a Dwarf under the table. Elves favor wines and more sophisticated spirits, Humans enjoy slightly stouter drinks such as Beer, and both Halflings and Gnomes enjoy high quality liquors in preference to other drinks.