Deadly Nightshade

Deadly Nightshade
Toxin Rank 8
Delivery: Ingestion or Wound
Onset Time: 1 Phase
Resilience DC: 18
  •  1 Dose: The target experiences minor hallucinations, blurred vision, and feels off-balance. This eliminates the effects of Pain, but also puts the target at -4 penalty to Spot and Balance checks.
  •  2 Doses: The target experiences vivid hallucinations (treat as Insane) and is Nausea.
  •  3 or More Doses: The target suffers from convulsions for 1d2 phases before Paralysis sets in. 1d2 phases thereafter, respiratory and cardiac function cease.
Metabolism: Doses remain in the body for 1d6 hours.

Components: Any part of Deadly Nightshade plant
Brew Time: None
Creation: None
"Wow, I feel like I just ran a mile! I kind of look it, too.......hey, what did you say was in that tea?"
——Unwelcome Guest


Deadly Nightshade, also known as Belladonna, is extremely potent, with even a single leaf yielding multiple doses. Deadly Nightshade could be boiled to make a tea, the juices extracted to coat weapons, or eaten directly. Contact with the skin can cause flushing and when rubbed in the eyes caused the pupils to dilate. A dose consists of a few berries or flowers, a partial leaf, or bit of root. Every component of the plant is potentially lethal. At the extreme end, Belladonna attacks the body's ability to regulate involuntary functions necessary for living, such as heart rate and breathing.


Nightshade can be used as an effective combat poison, or a sinister ingested poison fed to an unwary individual. Nightshade has been used in many assassinations over the years, and very few of them met with failure. Once a high enough does of poison is in the system, nothing short of a cleric with magical healing can prevent death. It is for reasons like this that many less than beloved Kings and Rulers have taste testers to make sure their food is suitable to eat. Nightshade is easy enough to grow, and quite a few unscrupulous individuals are known for cultivating the plant in hidden personal gardens that they can either sell later, or utilize themselves.