Durability Score

Buildings, monuments, bridges, walls, and other Structures have a Durability Score. This represents the quality of the structure's workmanship, integrity of the materials used, and overall resistance to damage. Durability defends against Demolition to prevent Ruin (See Structural Damage for more information).

Structures larger than 400sq. ft (equivalent to a 20ft by 20ft area) are divided into multiple sections, with each section having its own durability score (which may be the same or different from the rest of the structure). Most structures are hollow (i.e. they consist of a number of rooms divided by thin walls supporting a roof). If a structure is particularly dense or solid, it is reasonable to break it up into layers which each counting as its own section.

Durability is determined by the primary material used and the quality of construction. First choose the material used, then modify the durability score by the construction. The result is the final durability of the structure.

Structural Durability by Material
Cloth (canvas, leather, paper, etc)5Flammable (5)
Glass10Sonic damage
Soft Wood (Pine, Cedar, Bamboo, Woven Reeds)20Flammable (2)
Soft Metal (Gold, Silver, Copper)23
Ice25Vulnerable to Fire damage, immune to Cold damage
Brick & Soft Stone (Sandstone)30Resists Cold damage
Hard Wood (Oak, Maple, Walnut, Cherry, Ash)35Flammable (1)
Iron Banded Wood40Flammable (1)
Hard Stone (Granite, Marble, Limestone)45Resists Cold damage
Crystal (Quartz, Gemstone)50Sonic Damage
Hard Metal (Iron, Steel)55
Enchanted Metal (Mithral, Adamantine, etc)70

This durability is modified by the quality of construction.

Durability Modifier by Construction Quality
Construction QualityDurability Modifier
Shoddy Construction-5
Average Construction+0
Expert Construction+5
Light Reinforcement with stronger materials+5
Heavy Reinforcement with stronger materials+10

Material Properties

  • Vulnerable: Certain materials are vulnerable to certain damage types. Demolition powers that deal that damage type gain a +5 bonus to the roll.
  • Resistant: Certain materials are resistant to certain damage types. Demolition powers that deal that damage type suffer a -5 penalty to the roll.
  • Flammable: These materials readily catch fire. When subject to ruin caused by fire damage the structure also gains Ongoing Ruin equal to the amount specified. The can also be lit on fire manually or accidentally provided there is a strong enough fire source. The ongoing Ruin tends to spread to other parts of the structure over time. Once a Section of a structure is Breached by flames, the neighboring sections that are flammable also catch fire.