
When a creature Falls from a height and hits the ground, they take bludgeoning damage. The amount of damage is based on the distance fallen, with every 10 ft equating to 1d10+5 points of damage. Additionally, if the damage suffered exceeds your Healing Value, you must make an [[Fundamentals:Injury Check|] at a +5 bonus. If the damage suffered reduces you to 0 hp (or you are already Disabled), suffer a -5 penalty to the Injury Check. Penalties from previous injuries and other conditions apply as normal. A creature that takes damage from a fall automatically falls [Fundamentals:Prone|].

Catching yourself while Falling

A creature that is forcefully moved off a ledge may attempt to use the Grab Ledge ability to prevent themselves from falling.

Grab Ledge
Skill Ability
Free Action
Trigger: You fall off a ledge
Effect: You attempt to grab the edge to prevent your fall. Make a Climb Check [DC 10]. If you were Pushed off the ledge, increase the DC by 5 for every additional 5ft beyond the ledge you are pushed. If you succeed the check, instead of falling, you are Prone and adjacent to the edge. If you fail, you fall over the ledge.

Alternatively, a creature who is falling may attempt to catch itself on surrounding terrain (such as a wall), using the Catch Self ability. See Climb for example Difficulties for Terrain Surfaces.

Catch Self
Skill Ability
Free Action
Limitation: Once per fall
Trigger: You are falling adjacent to a wall or similar surface.
Effect: You attempt to catch yourself while falling adjacent to a surface, such as when a rope snaps, a ledge falls away, or a levitate spell abruptly ends. Make a Climb Check [DC dependent on surface + 5]. If you succeed the check, you are able to catch yourself on the surface at the point at with you began to fall (or first come adjacent to the surface).
Special: You cannot use this ability if you already failed to use the Grab Ledge ability during this fall.