Fear Disposition
Fear is a Disposition that represents feelings of uneasiness and apprehension in the presence of another person. It is a feeling of worry, gives a sense of danger, and a belief that a person means you harm. High ranks in Fear denote a deeper and more consuming emotion, ranging from mild disquiet to intense terror.
The expression of Fear differs from person to person depending on their Personality, and their degree of interaction with the object of their Fear. Fear combined with personality motivates many types of behavior, including avoidance, nervousness, flight (running away), cowering, and panic. Fear can be expressed as concern, anxiety, Coercion, fright, dread, and despair. Regardless of its exact expressions, at its core, Fear results from a negative feeling of worry and foreboding in response to another person.
The Ranks of Fear
Fear is Ranked from 0 to 5, with Rank 1 representing a weak emotion, and Rank 5 representing the strongest emotion that can be experienced.
- Rank 0: This is an absence of Fear. It might indicate ranks in opposing dispositions, Fondness or Doubt.
Rank 1: A mild feeling of Fear.
- Ways to Interpret: This is a mild feeling of discomfort or unease in a person’s presence. While not a strong feeling, it may be powerful enough to motivate an NPC to avoid the person.
- NPC Thoughts: "This person gives me a bad feeling, like they could be dangerous. I should be cautious around them."
Roleplay Ideas:
- Avoid eye contact.
- Guarded posture.
- Weapon at the ready.
- Weary expression.
- Proceed with caution.
- Quieting conversation.
Rank 2: A moderate feeling of Fear.
- Ways to Interpret: This is a feeling of worry or danger around a person. Fear at this level is strong enough to motivate an NPC’s immediate actions to avoid or escape, but it is not strong enough to influence longer-term motives and goals.
- NPC Thoughts: "This person causes me worry when they are around. I am fairly sure he could do me harm, and if a fight breaks out I am not sure if I can stand against him. Perhaps fleeing is a better idea."
Roleplay Ideas:
- Avoid notice or contact.
- Move to other side of the street.
- Stop conversation.
- Standoffish posture.
- Wide-eyed expression.
Rank 3: A strong feeling of Fear.
- Ways to Interpret: This is a feeling of anxiety and concern towards someone. In addition to influencing an NPC’s behavior, this level of fear begins to influence an NPC’s motives and goals. However this Fear is not strong enough to cause them to act against their nature.
- NPC Thoughts: "He causes me anxiety while he is around and I find myself starting to tremble. I fear him and what he could do to me and I can’t help but to look for ways to get away. Even after he has left, I still feel nervous for a while."
Roleplay Ideas:
- Run away.
- Wring hands.
- Draw a weapon.
- Shaking.
- Nervousness.
Rank 4: A very strong feeling of Fear.
- Ways to Interpret: This is a great feeling of helplessness and distress toward someone. This level of Fear greatly influences an NPC’s actions, motives, and goals and may cause them to act against their better judgement. Even their core personality may be slightly warped by this fear.
- NPC Thoughts: "This person causes a great apprehension inside of me. Powerful anxiety overtakes me when I’m in his presence. I find myself worrying about him even after he is gone. I must do something to escape from this fear, it is taking the joy away from other parts of my life."
Roleplay Ideas:
- Frightful expression.
- Flee.
- Do anything to get away.
- Jumpy.
- Cower before them.
- Beg and Plead.
- Faint.
Rank 5: An extremely powerful feeling of Fear.
- Ways to Interpret: This is a feeling of carnal terror and utter powerlessness towards a person. They are a living nightmare that can do unthinkable harm. This level of fear causes extreme anxiety at all times and instills panic in the presence of the person. The NPC’s goals, motives, and actions are dominated by this fear and it is strong enough to change their personality. They will go to extreme lengths and plan drastic actions to escape their fear, even at the perversion of their own morality.
- NPC Thoughts: "I fear him above all else and the thought of him makes me tremble. Death would be a welcome escape from this feeling, but even death might not save me from him. He induces a raw and primal fear so strong that I am almost paralyzed around him. The amount of harm he could cause me is unfathomable and will forever haunt me."
Roleplay Ideas:
- Complete panic.
- Rock back and forth.
- Shut down.
- Scream in terror.
- Constant anxiety and nervous behavior.
- Convulsing in terror.
- Paralyzed with fear.
- Paranoia.
Fear and Other Dispositions
- Fear combined with Trust can synergize to create Submission, Obedience, and Resignation.
- Fear combined with Hate can synergize to create Loathing, Subversion, and Contempt.
- Fear is opposed by Fondness, because the positive emotions of Fondness directly conflict with the negative emotions of Fear.
- Fear is opposed by Doubt, because you cannot have Fear in something you are unsure of and do not feel threatened by.
Fear Events
Social Events geared towards Fear occur for many different reasons, usually from acts that Coerce or harm a person.
- Coercing information.
- Threatening harm.
- Vicious retort.
- Snarling.
- Observing violence towards others.
- Being bullied/beat up.
- Hurting someone close to you.
- Torture.
- Burning down the town.
- Killing wife and children.
- Holding captive.