Advanced Dirty Fighting

Advanced Dirty Fighting
Basic Physical Maneuver [General, Grapple, Lunge]
Prerequisites: Physical Rank 4 or both Physical Rank 2 and Martial Rank 5
Standard Action [REC 6]
Cost: 3 Stamina
Effect: On the city streets, you have learned that an "honorable duel" begins with a shattered limb. You can use an effect from the following list, or create a similar effect appropriate to the situation (GM Discretion). Make an attack:
Range: Melee Touch
Target: One living humanoid
Melee Attack: Melee vs. Fortitude
Hit: Choose one a attack types below. Your Hit effect depends on the attack type you choose.
  • Bigger Bleeding Bite: The target takes Ongoing Bleed damage equal to [3 x Physical Rank] [SE, ST 4d10 vs CON].
  • Greater Charlie Horse: The target is Confined [SE, ST 4d10 vs CON].
  • Greater Ear Box: The target is Deafened [SE, ST 4d10 vs CON].
  • Greater Eye Gouge: The target is Blinded [SE, ST 4d10 vs CON].
  • Greater Head Butt: The target is Stunned for 1d4 segments.
  • Greater Kidney Shot: The target suffers Pain (3) for 1d4 rounds.
  • Extra Low Blow: The target suffers is Sickened [SE, ST 4d10 vs CON].
  • Greater Throat Punch: The target is Suffocating [SE, ST 4d10 vs CON].