Power Throw

Power Throw
Basic Martial Technique
Prerequisites: Martial Rank 2
Disciplines: Marksman
Standard Action [REC Weapon Speed + 1]
Cost: 2 Stamina
Requirement: You must be wielding a thrown weapon.
Effect: Shifting your weight back slightly and whipping your arm back, you let loose, throwing your entire body weight forward suddenly and launching your weapon at your target. Make an attack:
Range: Weapon Range
Target: One creature in range.
Attack: Ranged Weapon P vs. AC
Hit: Weapon[2 WD] damage.
Master Augment, Returning Throw
[Martial Rank 4, Magic Item]
Requirement: You must be wielding a Magic Weapon.
Effect: After the attack, your weapon returns to your hand.
Augment, Greater Power Throw
[Martial Rank 5, Stacking]
Stacking [Rank 5, 8, 11, etc.]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Martial Rank.
Effect: Increase the damage on a hit by 1 WD.
Master Augment, Lobbing Toss [Stance]
[Martial Rank 2]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Obedient Zephyr Stance.
Effect: Triple the base range of your weapon for this attack (instead of just doubling the range).
Master Augment, Deep Impact [Stance]
[Martial Rank 3]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Raptor's Gaze Stance.
Effect: Increase your Armor Negation (ArN) by 3 for this attack.
Master Augment, Knockback [Stance]
[Martial Rank 3]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Brute Stance.
Effect: On a hit, push the target 5ft.
Master Augment, Dazing Power [Stance]
[Martial Rank 3]
Requirement: You must be utilizing a Guardian Stance.
Effect: The target is also Dazed for 1d3 segments.
Master Augment, Ballisteer [Stance]
[Martial Rank 7]
Requirement: You must be utilizing the Unfailing Aim Stance.
Effect: You may use any Melee Weapon as a Heavy Thrown Weapon (30ft) with this attack.