Slag Hook

Slag Hook
Magic Item [Very Rare, Caustic]
Rank: 5 (Potency 50)
  • +2 Item bonus to Attack Rolls and Armor Negation.
  • The blade is hooked and deals Slashing damage in addition to the normal Piercing.
  • You may choose to convert damage dealt by this weapon to Caustic damage. When you do, increase the damage dealt by 1 WD.
Special Actions
Acid Glob
Standard Action [Weapon Speed]
Limitation: Three times per phase
Effect: Hurl a glob of acid from the end of your blade. Make an attack:
Range: 20ft
Target: One creature within range
Attack: Melee Weapon vs. Reflex
Hit: The target suffers 5d6+5 Caustic damage.

Vitrolic Blast
Standard Action [REC 6]
Limitation: Three times per day
Effect: A blast of acid issues forth from the blade towards your opponents. Make an attack:
Area: 50ft line, 5ft wide
Target: All creatures in area.
Attack: +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 10d6+10 Caustic damage.
Miss: Half Damage
Allocation: 4 Stamina, 2 Resolve
Aura: Moderate Combat or Evocation
"Don't get me wrong, this weapon has come in handy many, many times, and I've definitely survived quite a few tough customers I otherwise wouldn't have without the aid of my deadly blade. All I am trying to say is I really, really, REALLY miss my right arm."
——Sylis The Hawk, elven thief


Slag Hook is a short sword made from the jawbone of a black dragon, its blade carved into a wicked hook. The blade is unusually wide with only one side sharpened all the way to the curved point. On the back edge of the blade are rows of jagged teeth that constantly secrete yellow acidic juices. The grip and cross-piece are made of Adamantine, inlaid with bands of a strange green metal. When commanded, the blade dissolves in on itself and from the handle sprouts a constantly flowing spout of deadly yellow-greenish acid, making the sword almost weightless and far easier to wield. The acid from the blade is harmless tot he wielder


Despite its amazing properties, this sword's origins are mundane, in a sense. This blade came into existence after an elven thief of notorious repute attempted to pry a large gemstone out of a sleeping Black Dragon's exposed maw with his trusted short sword of moderate enchantment. Despite the thief's best efforts, the dragon awoke suddenly, reeling its head upwards reflexively, breathing its caustic breath at the same time. The sword ripped out an acid coated tooth along with its owner's shoulder socket, the burst of acid melting portions of the sword and fusing it with the tooth, granting it further magical properties of a vitriolic nature. Unfortunately, the thief learned of the weapon's powers the hard way a short time later.