Master Archer
The Master Archer training has been speculated to originated from the Elves, although this has not been confirmed. Highly skilled archers exist in many cultures, from wooded areas to mountains to large cities. This breed of warrior can be utilized as a soldier, hunter or sportsman.
This talent has three tiers of mastery designed to help a ranged combatant excel at attacking from a distance quickly, as well as learn to counter some of the weaknesses of a ranged combat style.
Master Archer I
Masters of the bow should have excellent dexterity and good physical strength for the pull of their weapon of choice. These fighters must learn how to move swiftly, aim for far away targets while also being able to asses nearby threats. While it is deemed impractical to fight at close range with a bow, a skilled Master Archer places no such limit on himself and learns to fight from any distance. Not only do they excel in speed, accuracy and awareness, but they also develop their power. Stories have been told near and far of great bowmen who could punch an ordinary arrow through a wall of stone one foot thick. These tales are not rumors or an exaggeration of the truth. This feat is the last part of the final test of a Master Archer.
- Martial Rank 5, Marksman Discipline
- Physical Rank 3
- Proficiency in at least 2 Bows and Feat Weapon Versatility (Bows)
- You must have mastered at least 3 Techniques from the Marksman discipline.
- Cost: 3 destiny points
Master Archer II
The Master Archer who has advanced to this point has first and foremost increased the power and accuracy with which she fires her arrows. However, this is merely a bi-product of her real training: focus. The Master Archer can now easily maneuver around the distractions that typically plague most ranged combatants, ignoring an enemy pressing in closely while she aims, or an enemy attempting to hide from her narrowed gaze. In addition to these benefits, a Master Archer can now strike with such accuracy that her attacks can potentially disable an opponent.
- Master Archer I
- Martial Rank 6
- Cost: 2 destiny points
Master Archer III
The speed with which a true Master Archer can react to and assail her foes is blinding to an untrained eye. She is as deadly with her bow as a warrior is with his sword, and can now strike at targets who underestimate her with ease. So great is her speed that she can even unleash multiple arrows at her targets with almost supernatural speed, just as easily as pointing a finger.
- Master Archer II
- Martial Rank 7
- Cost: 2 destiny points