
Trinkets are items imbued with a single magical ability that may be used at a limited rate. Unlike traditional Magic Items, Trinkets have no allocation but their magic is limited and somewhat unstable. There are no means to determine the amount of magic remaining within a Trinket, as individual uses tax the magic inconsistently (not to mention environmental effects and user synergies). Some wizards have attempted to consistently determine the amount of uses remaining within a Trinket, but such attempts have proved largely inaccurate and sometimes disastrous.

Each time a Trinket is used, make a Degradation Check by rolling 1d6. If the check results in a 1, the Trinket's magic is depleted and the item is rendered inert and mundane. If the check results in any other number, the Trinket remains functional.

Any creature can utilize a Trinket, provided they know how to activate it (typically a command word, phrase, or gesture).

Trinkets are created through use of the Alchemy skill, and require rare components, large expenditures of energy, and weeks of time to create. See Creating Trinkets for more details.

List of Trinkets