Color Spray

Color Spray
Magic Resistance: Yes
Basic Eldritch Basic Eldritch Spell [Magical, Mind-Affecting, Light]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Rank 3
Disciplines: Illusion
Potency: [1d4 + Eldritch Rank]
Cast Action [CT 4, REC 7]
Components: V, S
Cost: 4 Resolve
Effect: You manifest a rapidly fluctuating cone of multi-colored light, assaulting the senses of all those who can see. Make an attack:
Area: 20ft cone emanating from you.
Target: All creatures in area.
Attack: Arcana vs. Will
Hit: The effect is determined by the target’s Mental Rank. The target suffers status effects as determined by the chart below. The target may spend Karma to reduce the effects of this power.
Target's Mental RankEffect
4 or moreThe target is Dazed for 1d4+1 segments.
3The target is Blinded [SE, ST 3d10 vs WIS]. Additionally, the target is Dazed for 1d6+2 segments.
2The target is Stupefied and Blinded [Save Ends, ST 3d10 vs WIS]. After the target saves it is Blinded [SE, 3d10 vs WIS].
1 or lessThe target is Unconscious [SE, ST 3d10 vs WIS]. After the target saves it is Blinded [Save Ends, ST 3d10 vs WIS].
Special: Creatures that are blind or have no eyes are not affected by this spell. Additionally, if this spell is used in an area of supernatural darkness, it must succeed an Opposed Potency Check against the darkness effect or the spell fails.
Master Augment, Light Show
[Eldritch Rank 4, Stackable]
Stacking [Eldritch Rank 4, 6, 8, etc.]: This augment may be applied multiple times and is limited by your Eldritch Rank.
Cost: 1 Resolve
Effect: The size of the cone increases by 10 ft.
Augment, Overwhelming Display
[Eldritch Rank 6]
Cost: 2 Resolve
Effect: Treat the target's Mental Rank as 1 lower. Increase the difficulty of the Saving Throw by 1d10 [STP 1d10].