Raven Warlock

Raven Warlock
Level 18 (+7)
"What are those damned wretches doing here?! At first they said they would only send some of their warriors, but now there's an entire constable, enough to destroy our entire platoon!"
——Grask Brachfang, Half-Orc Commander
The Raven Warlock serves as the leader of other Half-Orcs dedicated to the Raven god. If more than one Warlock is present, they act as a council, determining the actions of their flock through divination and coercion in equal parts. These dark eldritch casters have sunken in features and appear to be half in the grave to those who do not understand the nature of their power. They favor black feathered robes that emulate the strange god they serve, and all possess a hooked dagger to aid in their black magic, as well as serving as a weapon. These Warlocks favor damaging energies pulled from the void, and spells that confound and cloud the minds of their enemies, so that their flock can swoop in to tear the debilitated foes to pieces.
Max HP
Resilience: +2
Healing Value: 42
Resistances: Weapon (DR 1), Daze Resist (1)
Defensive Actions
Shadow Shroud
The Raven Warlock is protected by a Shroud of Shadow, granting it a +3/+3 power bonus to AC, Touch, and Reflex (inc). Additionally, once per round, the Raven Warlock may attempt to Deflect a Melee Weapon Attack (+13 vs opposing attack) as a Free Action. (Basic)
Attributes / Saving Throws
15 / 18
12 / 15
11 / 14
15 / 23
12 / 20
18 / 26
Saving Throw Modifiers:
Special Actions
Steadfast (Half-Orc Racial ability)
When making a saving throw, may choose to reroll a single die. (Basic)
Movement Modes
Shift 5ft / 2
Skirmish 30ft / 3
Sprint 50ft / 3
+14 vs AC (Crit 3%/6)
1d4+3 damage (ArN 0)
REC 6, Reach 5ft
1d8+6 damage
Grapple +12
Special Actions
Raven Transformation
Immediate Action [Grapple]
The target transforms into a swarm of ravens, gaining a fly speed of 50ft. When the swarm moves through an area occupied by another creature, that creature suffers 30 Slashing damage from a flurry of beaks and claws (Limit once per creature per round). Additionally, while within the swarm, creatures are Nauseated. While in Raven form, the Warlock cannot attack or use Cast Actions. Additionally, he cannot be targeted by attacks, except those that target creatures in an area. If the Warlock is subject to such an attack, and the damage dealt exceeds his Healing Value, he is forced to return to his humanoid form. Alternatively, the Warlock may choose to return to his humanoid form as an Immediate Action. (Legendary)
Raven Warlock Abilities
On each turn, roll 1d10 to determine the actions available to the Raven Warlock.

Any result, choose one of the following:
Energy Blast [CT 3, REC 4]P: Target's one creature within 100ft, +15 vs Reflex. On a hit, deal 4d6+14 Caustic, Force, or Fire damage (Warlock's Choice). (Basic, Pot 1d4+9, MR Yes)

3 or more, choose one of the following:
Void Touch [CT 1, REC 4]P: Target one creature touched, +15 vs Touch. On a hit, deal 3d8+4 Annihilation damage. (Basic, Pot 1d4+9, MR Yes)
Cloud of Feathers [CT 5, REC 2 (Duration 1d4+2 rnds)]P: 30ft diameter area within 100ft becomes infused with Black Feathers, providing Total Concealment to all creatures within (Partial Concealment to adjacent creatures. (Basic, Pot 1d4+9, MR No)
Possessed by Shadow [CT 3, REC 3]P: Target one creature within 30ft, +15 vs Will. On a hit, the target is Enraged [SE, ST 4d10 vs WIS]. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+9, MR Yes)

5 or more, choose one of the following:
Grasping Shadows [CT 5, REC 5]P: Targets all creatures within 40ft diameter area within 100ft, +15 vs Fortitude. On a hit, the target's own shadow reaches forth to grab him, dealing 3d6+4 Bludgeoning damage and the target is Restrained [SE, ST4d10 vs STR]. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+9, MR No)
Energy Burst [CT 6, REC 5]P: Target creatures in 40ft diameter area within 100ft or in 60ft cone (Warlock's Choice), +15 vs Reflex. On a hit, deal 4d6+40 Caustic, Force, or Fire damage (Warlock's Choice). Half damage on a miss. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+9, MR Yes)
Transfixed by Shadow [CT 5, REC 4 (Duration Concentration + 1 rnd)]P: Targets all creatures in 40ft diameter area within 100ft, +15 vs Will. On a hit, the target is Fascinated. A hostile action taken against a target automatically removes the fascination effect from that target. (Advanced, Pot 1d8+9, MR Yes)

8 or more, choose one of the following:
Madness of Shadows [CT 4, REC 4]P: Targets all creatures in 30ft diameter area within 100ft, +15 vs Will. On a hit, the target Insane [SE, ST 5d10 vs WIS]. (Legendary, Pot 1d12+9, MR Yes)
Shadow Void [CT 4, REC 4]P: Target one living creature within 100ft, +15 vs Fortitude. The target's traitorous shadow engulfs him, holding him still and sucking the air from around him. On a hit, the target is Paralyzed and Suffocating [SE, ST 5d10 vs STR]. (Legendary, Pot 1d12+9, MR Yes)
Overland Movement
30 mi/day
  • Imposing: Gain a +2 racial bonus to Coercion checks. (inc.)
  • Orcish Hide: Damage Reduction to Weapon Damage equal to [½ x Physical Rank]. (inc.)
  • Thick Headed: Daze Resistance (1). (inc.)
  • Orcish Fortitude: +2 racial bonus to Fortitude. (inc.)
Skills: Rank 1 Balance [+0], Rank 1 Escape [+1], Rank 3 Stealth [+5], Rank 3 Listen [+7], Rank 5 Spot [+11], Rank 7 Alchemy [+15], Rank 3 Animal Care [+8], Rank 1 First Aid [+3], Rank 4 Herbalism [+9], Rank 7 Ritual Casting [+15], Rank 3 Survival [+6], Rank 7 Shadow Arts [+16], Rank 3 Charm [+9], Rank 5 Coercion [+13], Rank 5 Deception [+13], Rank 4 Manipulation [+11], Rank 6 Persuasion [+13], Rank 2 Aloofness [+7], Rank 4 Bravery [+10], Rank 6 Intuition [+13], Rank 6 Suspicion [+13]
Feats: Improved Speed, Fast Initiative [3], Great Morale, Mental Fortification, Improved Potency
Philosophies: Rank 5 Mental, Rank 3 Physical, Rank 7 Shadow
Combat Training: Cast 5, Melee 3, Parry 3, Fort 2, Reflex 3, Will 4
Wits: {{{Wits}}}, Brawn: {{{Brawn}}}
Equipment: Studded Leather
Languages: Common, Orcish
Composure: 27
  • Non-Orc: Hate 2
  • Non-Greenblood: Hate 3