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Shadow Characteristics
Exp Rating: 1.5
Minimum Level: 1
Base Hitpoints: CON/3 + DEX/3
Level Hitpoints: 4
Size: Medium
Attributes: +4 DEX, +2 CHA, -4 CON
Languages: Common
Stamina: 1
Resolve: 3
Philosophy Ranks: 2 Mental, 1 Physical, 2 Undeath
Senses: Lifesense, Darkvision
Habitat: Any
Points per Level: Gain 5 Skill Points per level.
Favored Skills:
Starting Skill Points:
  • 16 points to be spent in the above Racial Skills. These points cannot be used to raise a skill above Rank 3.
Shift: 5ft/2 seg (Flow)
Skirmish: 30ft/3 seg (Flow)
Sprint: 40ft/3 seg (Flow)
Overland: 30 mi/day
Racial Features
  • Undeath Corruption: You may learn scourges from the Undeath Philosophy. You have access to the Haunting Discipline. Use Charisma to determine your Corruption and Deathly Might when using scourges.
  • Shadow Touch: You master the Shadow Touch scourge.
  • Projected Form: You have a weightless two-dimensional form that is always projected upon an opaque surface (like a mundane shadow). This has the following effects:
    • Your form interacts with the shadows of objects and creatures instead of the actual creature or object (although you may hold and wear Shadowborn items normally, drawing them into your shadow).
    • You cannot move through walls, but your two-dimensional form can easily move through extremely thin cracks and slits.
    • Your form is difficult to damage with conventional weaponry, and you have Resistance to damage caused by non-magical weapons.
    • If you are ever caught without an opaque surface to cling to, you are instantly shunted to the nearest opaque surface, taking damage equal to your healing value for every 10ft shunted.
  • Flowing Movement: With your projected form you can flow over any solid or liquid surface that can support a natural shadow. While you cannot Jump, Swim, or otherwise completely leave the surface, this does allow you to climb walls and ceilings as if they were floor (completely ignoring the effects of gravity). You cannot completely leave the surface, but you may skip across a short gap that resides completely within your reach. You can also flow through small holes, as if you were a creature three size categories smaller. Your movement is completely silent, giving you a +5 Racial bonus on Stealth checks (Applies only against creatures that use Hearing).
  • Extension of Darkness: You seem to grow in size in areas of darkness. You gain a +5ft bonus to Reach while in areas of Dim light, and a +10ft bonus to reach while in areas of complete darkness.
  • Sunlight Vulnerability: While in direct sunlight you grant an advantage to all attackers, and lose your Resistance to non-magical weapons.
  • Undead Immunities: Immune to Bleed and Necrotic damage. Immune to Blood Loss, Death, Disease, Energy Damage, Fatigue, Poisons & Toxins, and the following conditions: Exhausted, Nauseated, Pain, Sickened, Sleep, and Tired.
  • Radiant Vulnerability: Vulnerable (1.5x) to Radiant damage. (inc)

Shadow Characteristics

Shadows are the haunting aftermath of a once living humanoid being, consumed and subsumed by darkness. The spirit that once gave life and identity to their physical form persists, but it is now cloaked in a chilling shroud of shadows, creating an entirely new, spectral entity.

Their ethereal forms are not reflections of who they once were, but instead represent the cold transmutation of their physical selves into nebulous dark matter. This transformation is born from a profound spiritual metamorphosis, where the darkness does not simply infuse but devours the corporeal form, leaving only the spectral silhouette behind.

Bound to this new existence, Shadows inherit an array of unique abilities that underscore their link to the realm of darkness. Their two-dimensional forms can blend seamlessly with the shadows, becoming virtually indistinguishable in poorly lit environments. This projected state also affords them the ability to traverse any surface and slip through the smallest crevices, making them elusive adversaries.

Within this spectral silhouette, however, the echoes of their past identity can still be discerned. Fragments of their original personalities and memories can flicker within their form, creating an intriguing, complex character that imbues each Shadow with a distinctive persona.

While their eerie origins and chilling abilities can induce dread, it's the Shadows' complex, deeply personal narratives that captivate some scholars. These entities symbolize the untold mysteries that lay dormant in darkness, a stark reminder of the unimaginable transformation that occurs when life is swallowed by shadow.


The origins of the Shadows are as elusive and enigmatic as the entities themselves. Ancient texts and whispered legends speak of a cataclysmic event that first cast the soul's shadow of a living being into an undying existence. This transformation, believed to be the result of potent and forbidden magic, plunged these entities into a dark mockery of their former life.

Since their conception, Shadows have instilled terror in the hearts of the living. These entities, neither wholly spiritual nor entirely physical, bear an unnerving resemblance to the beings they once were, yet twisted into a grotesque parody of life. While some misguided souls may worship them in twisted cults, most beings wisely avoid them, understanding the peril they represent.

Despite their terrifying nature, the influence of Shadows in larger world events has been relatively minimal, often kept localized and small-scale. Yet, their impact in those incidents is felt deeply. They've been the bane of the village of Ryndor, rendering it abandoned and haunted. They've also claimed the life of the famous adventurer, Elysara the Brave, who was known for her defiance against dark forces. While they may not pull the strings of global dominance, the fear and destruction they sow are no less impactful in the eyes of those affected.

Today, Shadows continue to lurk on the fringes of existence, their presence a stark reminder of the darkness that lies beyond the boundaries of life. They serve as chilling symbols of what can occur when the natural order is subverted, and stand as testament to the enduring fear of the unknown. As beings eternally bound to darkness, their influence extends far beyond their shadowy form, casting a long and chilling shadow across the tapestry of history.


Shadows are as much a tragic tale of lost humanity as they are harbingers of darkness. Robbed of their former lives, their existence is a dark, distorted mirror of the world they once knew. This twisted semblance of life often manifests in a pervasive, seething hatred for the living, whom they see as cruel reminders of what they have lost.

Lacking any form of structured society or leadership, Shadows drift through existence in a state of despair and resentment. Their interaction with the world is primarily driven by a desire to inflict the same misery they endure onto the living. Through their ghastly touch, they drain the life force of their victims, an act which brings them a perverse echo of the sensations of life they were robbed of.

Despite this macabre existence, it is worth noting that not all Shadows are identical in their malevolence. In exceedingly rare cases, a few Shadows retain fragments of their former moral compass, their actions guided by a distorted semblance of the values they held in life. These outliers, while exceptionally uncommon, are no less terrifying in their power and influence. Their existence brings into stark contrast the tragedy of their kind, a cruel perversion of life itself.

The primary objective of most Shadows, however, remains clear and consistent: to consume the living, spreading their darkness until it eclipses the light. The joy, pain, and fear they inspire in their victims brings them a sense of power, an affirmation of their existence in a world where they are otherwise specters on the periphery. Their culture, as much as it can be called that, is a sorrowful dance of darkness and despair, a chilling spectacle that underscores the cruelty of their fate.